So You Wannabe a Farmer

When you Give a Sheep a Haircut

Melissa Spence and Wendy Rhein Season 4 Episode 51

June means the end of the school year, graduation, the summer solstice, the time when gardens take off, animals are busy eating the abundant greenery, sheep get sheared, s'mores are made and consumed, harvesting begins, and we get outside as much as possible. 

Melissa and Wendy share details of their individual domains and ponder aspects of kashrut, or the Jewish laws governing food consumption. It should be very obvious that the hosts have no idea what they are talking about and any information on the topic should be doubled, if not triple-checked for accuracy. 

Now on to the show!

All that and more!

So join us as we head out to the farm...

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Follow us on Instagram:
Melissa @sow_grow_letitgo
Wendy @chutzpahhollow

Music by Chris Spence
Artwork by Jane Rabadi
Editing by Melissa Spence

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